- Notice of Special General Meeting to be held via Zoom on Thursday 3rd March 2022 at 6.30pm (meeting invitation and further information will be sent out as soon as possible).
- The Special General Meeting has been called as a special resolution is proposed for Ordinary Members, being affiliated clubs, to vote on the adoption of the new rules of the Association, being the Constitution of the Association.
A copy of the new rules of the Association, to be voted on, were previously sent out via email to affiliated clubs to review and provide feedback.
A copy is also attached here
- All affiliated clubs for 2022 are requested to advise this office of the names of the delegate/s attending this meeting, by close of business on Thursday 24th February.
Note: Affiliated clubs are:
- entitled to one (1) voting delegate (for clubs with less than 4 registered teams) or two (2) voting delegates (for clubs with 4 or more registered teams) and to be attending in person, at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings.
- A delegate must:
- be a member of the Affiliated Club they are delegate for;
- not be a member of the Association’s Executive Committee;
- be empowered by the Affiliated Club to vote at meetings in the best interest of the Affiliated Club;
- be a delegate for only one Affiliated Club; and
- be at least 18 years of age.